Cyanide and Happiness + Newgrounds= Possibly the best combination made by the hands of man. I love you guys, good to see you on NG. And this video is definitely a true work of genius.
Cyanide and Happiness + Newgrounds= Possibly the best combination made by the hands of man. I love you guys, good to see you on NG. And this video is definitely a true work of genius.
I'm just a LITTLE offended...
But otherwise... Pretty funny?
I dunno, there was just something about how utterly RANDOM this was that made me chuckle just a little.
The song was techno-catch-iriffic.
America needs a leader: Oh, le's make fun of him!
WOW. Is all I gotta say.
I was mildly disturbed towards the end, but it was definitely funny.
There is nothing better than political humor.
Aretha Franklin's hat WAS scary though. Like she was hiding something under it...
Anyways, pretty good, not too bad at all.
This was pretty damn wicked. I loved how you managed to fit in all the special zombies, plus the horde too. And the part with the car alarm was pure genius. You have no idea how many times that actually happens when I play. The animation was great, some of it was a little bit... Crude humor? But it was effing hilarious. Awesome~!
Words cannot describe...
How amazingly awesome this is. Except for this:
I love it, you're really doing good with the animation, and "Evil Blockhead" was a fantastic idea. I see thats where his inspiration is. Great job Mr. Swain, yet another master-piece of comedy, retard style. BD
Not sure how one would say this, but this step really gave me the warm fuzzies. Its one of the best ones you've made, and truthfully, I almost cried. The perfect ending to a very perfect series.
That was kinda depressing. ._.'' Nice work.
Come one come all to this tragic affair, wipe off that make up whats in is despair, throw on the black dress mix in with the lot, you might wake up and notice you're someone you're not. - The End, MCR
Age 29, Female
Amateur DOOM artist!
How to Smite Academics
Not here, thats where.
Joined on 5/28/08