Hello people of Newgrounds? Did you miss me? No? Then go screw a fence, cause I'm back for good! I was not separated from the Internet for logical reasons, no, the exact opposite. I was separated in endless peril, while on a journey through the mountains. Perhaps I should start from the beginning... *looks into distance*
I was writing about Mr. Rainbow being hit by a truck, when all of a sudden, bomb50 (who's name shall not be disclosed) ran up to me.
"HAI MICHI, WE'RE GOING ON AN ADVEEENTURRRREEEE!!!!" Despite my confusion, I was dragged from where I was sitting and forced into a van driving into the mountains. Bomb and I were driving along until she randomly stopped and she pushed me out of the car. Turns out it was all a part of her plans for world domination (I forgave her). e.e Annnyywaays, in the most evil way possible, bomb released a bear named Freckles to chase me to my doom. However, I'm not that easy to kill, so I ran. Like hell. Freckles chased me for a while till he got tired and fell asleep, and I hid out in a cave, where I met Batman! And then he hit me with a rock cause I looked like the Joker, (cause my hair was a mess, it was dark and my eyeliner was messed up) and I kicked him in the balls. He ran away after that. So since it was so dark and think Cthulu might have lived in that cave, and my impending doom by Freckles the bear, I had trouble sleeping. So in that effect, I hid out in the cave till morning. Freckles must have been pretty sleepy cause he was still asleep when I left the cave. I climbed to the top of the outer cave thing (y'know what I'm talking about) and hoped he couldn't climb too well. While I was sitting there, I saw the most miraculous thing. Mr. Rainbow, in his teen form, was skipping, yes skipping by! I had to go and say hi to the abused person of my imagination, so I jumped down and chased after him.
"Hey, stop chasing me, I'm trying to find the issue of Cosmo!Girl I lost out here!!" Thats what he said, I think. I didn't really care.
"Just saying that in the near future, you're gonna be hit by a truck! Or possibly a helicopter!" Haha, its true. And believe it or not (don't believe it) a helicopter landed and hit him on the head. I just kinda watched, as an old friend known as Ayumi, or Ayuyu jumped out, grasping an open umbrella to retard her fall. (IT MEANS SLOW DOWN, NOT RETARD AS IN STUPID!) Unfortunately, the roar of the helicopter woke Freckles. Ayuyu, in all her mythic glory pointed the tip of her umbrella and it turned into a gun. She shot Freckles in the head and it turned out to be Pedo bear.
"Bomb truly was pure evil! *gasp*" Anyways, so we jumped into the helicopter, stopped by a cosplay convention, and then got back home. Keep an eye out for Ayuyu, she's out here on New Grounds now.
And that is how I triumphantly returned, leaving Mr. Rainbow to be raped by Pedo Bear. Don't worry, I'll write another chapter of Mr. Rainbow laterz. Yeah. Unfortunately, I don't have anything colored to post on here yet, soo....... Party tiem? *eats a cupcake*
Everyone welcome my long time COMPANDA TheAyuYu!
Oh yeah, this is my newest picture. Its an old lineart, I've just colored it better than the first time.